Identifiers are names that allow you to reference stored values, such as variables and constants. Also, every program and unit must be named by an identifier.
Rules for identifiers:
- Must begin with a letter from the English alphabet.
- Can be followed by alphanumeric characters (alphabetic characters and numerals) and possibly the underscore (_).
- May not contain certain special characters, many of which have special meanings in Pascal.
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + ` - = { } [ ] : " ; ' < > ? , . / |
Several identifiers are reserved in Pascal as syntactical elements. You are not allowed to use these for your identifiers. These include but are not limited to:
Modern Pascal compilers ship with much functionality in the API
(Application Programming Interfaces). For example, there may be one
unit for handling graphics (e.g. drawing lines) and another for
mathematics. Unlike newer languages such as C# and Java, Pascal does
not provide a classification system for identifiers in the form of
namespaces. So each unit that you use may define some identifiers
(say DrawLine
) which you can no longer use. Pascal
includes a system unit which is automatically used by all
programs. This provides baseline functionality such as rounding to
integer and calculating logarithms. The system unit varies among
compilers, so check your documentation. Here is the system
unit documentation for Free Pascal Compiler.
Pascal is not case sensitive! (It was created in the
days when all-uppercase computers were common.)
, and
are equivalent. But for readability purposes,
it is a good idea to use meaningful capitalization. Most programmers
will be on the safe side by never using two capitalizations
of the same identifiers for different purposes, regardless of whether
or not the language they're using is case-sensitive. This reduces
confusion and increases productivity.
Identifiers can be any length, but some Pascal compilers will only look at the first several characters. One usually does not push the rules with extremely long identifiers or loads of special characters, since it makes the program harder to type for the programmer. Also, since most programmers work with many different languages, each with different rules about special characters and case-sensitivity, it is usually best to stick with alphanumeric characters and the underscore character.